Balwaan Agri Blogs


How is adopting Modern Agriculture Technology Reshaping Farming?
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Modern agriculture technology Dear Readers Welcome to the blog section of Balwaan Krishi. How is adopting Modern Agriculture Technology Reshaping Farming: Compared to Modern agriculture technology Traditional farming has always been challenging in agriculture. It’s all about laborious techniques and hard work. Sometimes, pests & weather ruin their hard work, and water would be wasted …

How is adopting Modern Agriculture Technology Reshaping Farming? Read More »


Is Solar Farming Profitable in India? | Benefits of Solar Farming
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Solar Farming Solar Farming has changed the lives of many people including Indian farmers by generating an extra source of income and reducing their dependence on unpredictable weather patterns, insufficient water supply, and expensive electricity. Farmers get an opportunity to earn a consistent income by letting their land on lease for solar farming projects by …

Is Solar Farming Profitable in India? | Benefits of Solar Farming Read More »


The Benefits and Uses of Power Weeders and Tillers
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Weeders-and-Tillers Power Weeders and Tillers have completely changed Indian agriculture with their flexibility and performance. These two-wheeled tiller agricultural tools offer a wide range of uses beyond just tilling the soil, including plowing, sowing, planting, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, and transporting crops. With various attachments, they become valuable machines for farmers. On the other hand, power …

The Benefits and Uses of Power Weeders and Tillers Read More »


Best Seaweed Fertilizer for Plants – Uses and Benefits
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Best Seaweed Fertilizer Best Seaweed Fertilizer for Plants – Uses and Benefits: Farmers face significant challenges during the farming process as their soil becomes depleted and their crops fail to thrive. The chemical fertilizers they relied on were either inadequate or harmful, resulting in environmental and financial damages. In such conditions, farmers need to use …

Best Seaweed Fertilizer for Plants – Uses and Benefits Read More »


Top 15 Best Affordable Agricultural Machinery in India
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Indian farmers understand the importance of affordable agricultural machinery to maximize their farming production. But now, higher costs for equipment, not enough workers to help, and always need to grow more crops are quite challenging. Farmers need to consider their budget while seeking agriculture machinery. But don’t worry, Balwaan Krishi is committed to transforming your farming …

Top 15 Best Affordable Agricultural Machinery in India Read More »

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